The agenda is as follows:
- Welcome: Henrik Andersen (Associate Professor, CBS Law, ELI Project Co-Reporter): ‘Climate Justice – New Challenges for Law and Judges – The Challenges of Forming a Project on Climate Justice: Concepts and Legal Issues’: Henrik Andersen
- ‘The Road to a Global Plastics Treaty: How Close are We?’: Sarah Maria Denta (Assistant Professor, CBS Law)
- ‘Sabin Center for Climate change Law: Leveraging the Right to Prevention: Injunctions in Climate Litigation’: Marie-Louise Holle (Associate Professor, CBS Law)
- ‘Teoretiske og praktiske tilgange til klimaproblemet’: Amalie Toft Bentsen (Legal officer, The Danish Tax Department)
- Conclusions: Henrik Andersen
Participation is possible online through Microsoft Teams (link will be sent for those who sign up to or in-person at:
CBS Law - Department of Business Humanities and Law
Porcelænshaven 18.B - 1.154
2000 Frederiksberg