A practising lawyer in Reddy Charlton Solicitors for more than 40 years, Paul Keane established and developed a substantial corporate/commercial practice.

Honorary Consul General of Sweden
Since his appointment in 2010, Keane has been responsible for consular and trade services for the Swedish community in Ireland. In 2019, Keane was awarded the Order of the Polar Star by HM Carl Gustaf.

European Law
Keane has been involved in the European Contract Law project since 2005, was nominated to the Panel of Experts on Contract law; was a speaker at European Commission conferences; and a member of the Private Law Committee of the CCBE.

Keane is a Member of the Council of the Law Society of Ireland and has led a number of its important committees, including Business Law and now Chair of Finance. In 2022, he was appointed to the Council of the IBA. Keane is a founding member (and later President) of Interleges, sponsor of the ELI Young Lawyers Award and the Chair of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Ireland.

One of the Co-chairs of the Irish Hub, he is determined to make it a vital force in Irish legal discourse.

Business activities
In addition to his legal practice, Keane is the Chair/Director/ Advisor to a number of prominent Irish companies, charities and sporting organisations.

Most importantly, he is a beekeeper!