Innominate Member of the Executive Committee

Aneta Wiewiórowska-Domagalska holds a Law degree from Warsaw University and PhD from Utrecht University. While in Utrecht, she was involved in the work of the Study Group on a European Civil Code (co-author of Principles of European Law on Sales, nationally reported for other Dutch groups). In 2008–2014, she worked as a chief specialist for the Polish Ministry of Justice, where she was involved in preparing and conducting legislative proposals in the private law area as well as negotiating private law instruments in the European Council (she chaired the Council working group on CESL during the Polish Presidency). As a member of various working groups of the Polish Civil Law Codification Commission, she was one of the persons responsible for the transposition of the Consumer Rights Directive and the re-transposition of Consumer Sales Directive in Poland. Since 2015, she has been preparing her Habilitation thesis at the European Legal Studies Institute. She is also one of the Reporters of the ELI’s Model Rules on Online Intermediary Platforms project. She has vast experience in the law-making process, as well as in the transposition and implementation evaluation of EU law. Recently she prepared several reports for the European Parliament in these areas.