Protection of Adults in International Situations (8 September 2017)

The above Project was accepted by the ELI Council Members (Council Decision CD 2017/5) at the ELI Council meeting on 6 September 2017. The Project is devoted to the protection of rights of persons aged 18 or over who are unable to protect their interests because of an impairment of their personal faculties.

The Project Co-reporters, who chaired the panel, Richard Frimston, Head of the Russell-Cooke LLP Private Client Group and Pietro FranzinaProfessor at the University of Ferrara, presented the background of this Project and explained its aim, which is to create a draft legal text that can be used by EU institutions as a legislative aide.

Pietro Franzina raised many important questions pertaining to the situation of adults in the EU, such as the competence of the European Union in this matter, the ratification and implementation of The Hague Convention on the International Protection of Adults and the options for an EU law empowering the mentioned individuals to exercise their rights successfully. Maja Groff, Senior Legal Officer at the Hague Conference on Private International Law, who is a Member of the newly established Project Team and Robert Bray, former Head of Unit of the Committee on Legal Affairs of the European Parliament, were speakers at this panel.