Belgio-Luxembourg Hub’s Fourth Webinar on Cybersecurity and Dispute Resolution


On 19 May, the last webinar in the Belgio-Luxembourg Hub’s webinar series on Cybersecurity and Dispute Resolution took place, entitled ‘Insuring against cybersecurity risks: why and how?’.

The fourth webinar featured presentations by Yaniv Benhamou (University of Geneva) and Jacques de Werra (University of Geneva), who discussed the main contractual provisions contained in cyber risks insurance policies as well as interpretation techniques to solve disputes arising from such new cyber risks. Cedric Ramande (PwC Belgium) explained the different steps to be followed by a victim of a cybersecurity breach and how to mitigate such risks in the future. Anne-Sophie Coppens (Marsh) spoke about the need to update insurance policies and to invest in additional cybersecurity measures from the point of view of insurance companies (and brokers).

The programme of the webinar series, organised under the scientific supervision of Enguerrand Marique, Charles-Albert Helleputte and Diletta De Cicco, can be accessed here.