Croatian Hub Held the 27th Webinar in its Webinar Series


On 19 September 2023, the ELI Croatian Hub hosted its 27th webinar as part of an ongoing webinar series aimed at fostering discussion on current ELI projects and recent developments in Croatian, comparative, and EU law. The webinar brought together 40 participants from Croatia, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo.

The event commenced with a warm welcome address from Dr Ivan Tot (ELI Croatian Hub Co-Chair; Assistant Professor at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of Business Law). Tot introduced participants to the topic of the webinar, ‘The New Challenges to Inheritance Law in the 21st Century’, and informed the participants about the upcoming ELI project on ‘Digital Inheritance’.

This was followed by an insightful lecture delivered by Professor Dubravka Klasiček (University Josip Juraj Strossmayer of Osijek, Faculty of Law in Osijek).

In the first part of her lecture, Professor Klasiček discussed the modern objects of inheritance, such as digital content and crypto-assets, and the challenges they pose to traditional inheritance law. The second part of the lecture focused on contemporary forms of wills, such as video wills, and the issues related to their admissibility under Croatian inheritance law. Klasiček provided several examples from recent case law in common law jurisdictions and discussed possibilities for similar solutions in Croatian law.

Following the lecture, an engaging Q&A session ensued, allowing participants to actively contribute to the conversation.

Mark your calendars for the next ELI Croatian Hub webinar, scheduled to take place on 17 October 2023.